Friday, July 3, 2015

Train ride

After an amazing time in Olesa, came a not so amazing train ride to my next adventure, Lisbon, Portugal.
I remember getting to the train station in Olesa around 8 in the morning, or so? I was still drunk from the night before and my friend Hector was limping his way across the station with an ankle swollen the size of an orange. What happened? Who knows. We are still trying to figure that out to this day.
After looking around and eventually finding our train, we board, only to find ourselves in a hot, stuffy train with 9 hours of travel ahead of us. I managed to fall asleep, thankfully. I found out later though that I was sweating the entire time I was asleep. Once we arrived in Madrid, our half way point, we had a 5 hour layover to rest and relax, before another 8 hour ride to Lisbon. Once again, our dreams were crushed, when we found out we didn't have a bed, like we were promised. Instead, a small chair in a section filled with crying babies and crying babies. I was so happy when we arrived. Little did I know of the fun that was ahead. 
Best wishes, 

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